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July 18 2022
Rapidly rising interest rates, fears of a recession, and some signs of backed off spending by consumers due to high inflation are among the concerns that have dulled many commodity markets this July
July 18 2022
Drug residues in truckloads of milk again reached a record low in 2021, affecting only one out of every 12,500 loads — a reduction of more than 90% over the past two decades
July 18 2022
When evaluating calf housing, we must look at what will work best for the producer and the calf.“We can’t forget about the calf,” stated University of Minnesota’s Whitney Knauer
July 18 2022
Recent reductions in milk supplies have contributed to record milk prices. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s most recent monthly outlook projects that annual 2022 milk production
July 14 2022
Workload and time pressure are cited as top stressors for farmers. Each season brings its own hectic pace, and carving time out of the day for self-care may seem impossible
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July 14 2022
While pair and group housing for calves has shown many benefits, including improved starter intake and greater average daily gain, there is one behavior that can’t be ignored
July 14 2022
Making good decisions requires having good information. However, it also requires interpreting that information appropriately and accurately
July 14 2022
Dairy has a bright future over the next decade. That’s the short story from a report produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.“Strong growth in per capita consu
July 13 2022
It is unlikely to come as news to readers that beverage milk consumption has been declining in recent decades
July 11 2022
Housing calves in small groups: The pros, cons, and best practices, presented by Whitney Knauer, V.M.D., University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine
July 11 2022
If you are looking to add employees to your farm or business, you already know that is a herculean task these days. That’s because the U.S. unemployment rate remains historically low at 3.6%. T
July 11 2022
Summer is a time for children to explore and discover, create memories, and gain life experience outside the classroom
July 11 2022
“I just want to be able to leave it better than it was yesterday.”Kristyn Mensonides shared that quote about her farm during a panel discussion of young farmers at this year’s Connect...
July 11 2022
This month marks a full year of declining U.S. milk production growth. Beginning last June . . . within the space of four months . . . production growth downshifted from 4.6% annual growth to nearly 1
July 11 2022
Farmers have their reasons for why they choose to milk a certain breed of cows, and each breed features unique and valued characteristics
July 8 2022
Do you ever think about what you would do if you were rich? I am not talking about rich in land and assets, values and morals, or livelihood and opportunity. Farmers are already rich in those areas. I
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July 8 2022
The real estate industry has a well known and accepted saying: Location, location, location. It means the value of a property depends on where it is located, and the price of comparable properties in
July 8 2022
A lot of fairs are still using post-World War II dairy cattle barns built with old telephone poles, rough lumber rafters, and corrugated metal roofing
July 8 2022
dairy producers are seeing record milk prices due to strong worldwide dairy consumption and milk production not quite able to keep up with that demand. Inflation and many world events are painting an
July 8 2022
A RATHER toothless commission was finally given a little bite when the Senate and House passed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA)